Thursday, January 28, 2010

With Lawful Excuse PT 2

Freeman-on-the-land Robert-Arthur: Menard 2007 Seminar Ontario, Canada Focus is on Student Loans and Using a Claim of Right as a lawful excuse. thinkfree is dedicated to helping achieve a freer and more just society, where authority is achieved without deception and exercised with restraint, understanding, accountability and compassion. We employ educational seminars, guerrilla videography, Notarial justice, advocacy, public action. Recognizing that justice is truth in action, we champion not only human rights but human dignity and firmly believe there is more than enough for everybody. Using the power of truth and simple questions we shine a light on those who seek to deceive and subjugate and once identified, we do not shy from the duty to peacefully and lawfully

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Friday, January 22, 2010

Advice on Pursuing Full-Time Work Before Applying to Law School - Jen Duberstein - Chapter 18

Major League Soccer legal counsel and Northwestern Law School graduate Jen Duberstein advises college graduates considering law school to gather full-time work experience before applying to law school. Duberstein shares how the time working provides law school applicants time to respect legal career commitment and prevent unhappy scenario of not liking law and being locked into three years of school and three years practicing to pay off loans. View more at

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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Feldman Law Center Loan Modification Scam Foreclosure Con Artists

I like many was fooled by advertising that pressed the right buttons. An attorney who would fight the big bad mortgage companies for me. Turns out, he's worse than the mortgage companies, and takes it to a personal level, by personally abusing his clients. This must be a very scared man, with just about every government agency looking at this business and those like it. He can count his $4000.00 fees over and over, but when he has to pay them all back, I bet he'll be humbled. I can't believe ...

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Laws About Payday Loans - The Cash Advance Laws That Serve You

Trusting a loan lender is not something that is done easily. In truth, it's probably easier to lift a car over your heard than it is to wholeheartedly place your trust in a bank or lending company. Believe it or not, this lack of trust is actually a good thing for you, especially when dealing with payday loan companies. It means you won't be easily taken advantage of by greedy lenders that only care about making a quick buck. Combine that "weariness" and lack of trust with knowledge of your state's cash advance laws and you'll be practically invulnerable to shady payday lenders.

The laws about payday loans have one single purpose, which is to protect consumers from money hungry lending companies. Unfortunately though, cash advance laws only go as far as the consumer's knowledge of them; meaning if you don't know them, they won't likely help to protect you. Why? Simply because some payday loan companies don't care about these laws or what they stipulate. They don't take the laws seriously and they pray on the weak minded souls who are in desperate need of quick cash. This is precisely why knowing the laws is so important, as you will know exactly when you're dealing with a respectable lender and when you're dealing with a crooked company.

Generally speaking, the laws about payday loans govern how payday lending companies do business. This includes; how they create & display each loan's terms, what they can include in the fine print, how much they are allowed to charge in interest & fees, how much money they are allowed to loan a single individual, as well as quite a few other aspects.

Cash advance laws vary from state to state, but they all have similar characteristics, such as those mentioned above. In light of that fact, it's crucially important to know YOUR state's laws and how they protect you. There's nothing worse than thinking that you know the cash advance laws of your state and are 100% safe when you go to apply, when in reality, you know nothing about them and are completely vulnerable to unscrupulous payday loan lenders.

For more detailed information on the laws about payday loans and to learn about payday loans exclusively for people with bad credit, try visiting - one of the most popular & informative payday loan websites on the web.

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